Friday, September 14, 2012


Okay....we know you know that we are currently serving in Africa. This will be the first, of many, this is Africa stories.
Soe here goes: Our outside helper had to leave the Kijabe area to deal with a medical emergency in his family. He has been gone for about a week. Every night when the sun goes down, so does the tempature! We build fires as it is our only source of heat. However, the wood here is very wet and hard to ignite. We wind up using quite a bit of kindling to get a good fire started.

SO.....after I returned home from my day job today, I decided I could make some kindling. I went to the work shed to look for the axe I had purchased
only to find that our helper had not ever used it. Now you see, we can only buy an axe head here and you have to make your own handle. After a few minutes of searching, I found a piece of wood I thought would suffice and proceeded to whittle the end to fit the axehead. Now all I had to whittle with was a ponga (machete) so after praying that I did NOT chop off one of my hands, I proceeded to get to work. Below is the finished product:

Being pretty proud of myself and thinking "Fran Branigan would be proud to use this tool" I went to work making kindling. After 40 minutes and one large bandaid, I had produced enough kindling to get us through this weekend. :D

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it!


  1. ...and we thought we had problems in the US. We are so spoiled. Love your stories. Keep 'em coming and I'll keep you in my prayers.

  2. Glad you got that much work done in spite of that ax being upside down. Flip that baby over and you get twice as much done. LOL
    Thanks for sharing your journey with us.
