Friday, September 7, 2012


We are starting to settle into the routine of the school week. This is what it looks like for dorm parents like us:
Up at 6:15 AM
Make sure the girls do their chores, take their medicines and have everything they need for school. Get them out to breakfast around 7:15AM
Wake Julia at 7:15 AM for school. Julia leaves at 7:45 AM
Janine departs at 8:00 to teach her classes.
If I am going to Nairobi, I leave at 7AM returning around 3:30PM
if not, I go to my desk around 9 and work until 3.
Chapel is at 10:15 AM
Chai and staff prayer is at 10:30 AM
School ends at 3:25 PM
Everyone must be back in the dorm by 7:00 PM but most are back earlier.
Homework and showers are from 6:30 ish until 8:10 PM
Devotions are from 8:15 PM to 8:45 PM
Quiet Time starts at 9:15PM
and LIGHTS OUT is 9:30PM. :-)
Then........ we can correspond with home, skype with family and friends,
prepare lessons, hang out with Julia, play fantasy football and clean our apt.
Then.. it's bedtime around 11PM so we get some rest before we start all over again.
Now don't be fooled, it sounds like its alot of work but I cannot deny we have a huge smile on our faces the entire time!

1 comment:

  1. So grateful that you have time in your schedule for fantasy football. As we read these posts, we have a huge smile on our faces. You are a blessing both to your dorm girls and those of us who get to pray for you.
