18 to1 Steve's Journal

May 22, 2012

Hello Everyone,

I have decided to start my own journal page so that I can share my thoughts and our experiences as we serve at RVA. I have decided to name it 18 to1 as there will be 18 females in our dorm and only 1 male (me). I pray this journal will give you some insight into our ministry as well as provide accountability
for me. We are looking forward to serving at RVA. We believe that God has placed us in this position to serve and that this ministry is a perfect fit for us. We will depart for AIM headquarters on July 9th, that is official now, and stay 2 days for orientation. After that, it is off to Nairobi and on to our ministry.
We are only 46 days from departure and we are praising God for His provisions. Stay tuned........

May 25, 2012   PROM NIGHT

Lizzy's senior prom is tonight. We will witness her transformation into a beautiful young woman, strong, intelligent and compassionate. I give the credit to my wife, Janine, as she was able to stay home with the girls and nurture them to help them grow to be who they are today. I am proud of Lizzy, she lives by faith and apologizes to no one. She is a natural leader and friend to many. I pray that tonight turns out to be all she has imagined it to be.  Love you Lizzy.

May 28, 2012  Memorial Day

We continue to work diligently towards departure. Today we took time to spend with our friends Bob and Connie Wood. They, along with their 4 grandchildren were a welcome break from the everyday work schedule. We enjoyed BBQ and a wonderful tribute to our country's heroes, past and present.
I would be remiss if I didn't say thanks dad for serving so faithfully in WWII. You are my hero!

May 29, 2012

I spent the day today as a pool boy, out in the sun and humidity opening pools for Rockwater Pools. What a blessing to enjoy God's creation even when it is scorching. Thank you Anthony DeFazio for being a godly business man and a friend. I am honored that I could help you out today. I am praying that God will continue to bless your family and your endeavors.

June 12, 2012
I can't believe it has been 2 weeks since my last entry! So much for staying diligent with this journal.  :-(  So much has happened since my last entry. The girls were baptized on June 3rd. What a beautiful sight to see them baptized together and me with the privilege of performing the baptisms! I only lost control of my emotions a couple of times. First, when Julia was heading down into the water and Second when Lizzy was emerging form the water. We were truly blessed and we believe all in attendance were as well. Lizzy's graduation party was last Saturday. We put all departure plans on hold to make sure we could properly honor her before we leave. She has worked so hard throughout her high school years and has finished 9th in her class. I don't think I could have finished 9th if there were 9 kids  my class! Intelligence must skip every 7th generation and I must be the lucky seventh! Julia is working hard to finish her sophomore year strong. She is studying for finals and making arrangements to see her friends as much as possible prior to our leaving for Kenya.
We are glad the Daubenmeir's form Ohio are going out with us as Julia already knows their 7 children so she should have some ready-made friends when we arrive. Janine and I are starting to feel the pressure of departure. Packing is tough stuff! I completely blew off a men's breakfast that I was to attend this morning. It just completely got lost in the shuffle! Embarrassing.

Please continue to pray for me as I lead our family in two different directions. Janine, Julia and I to RVA in Kijabe and Lizzy to Cedarville University in Ohio. This is not going to be an easy farewell.
Well, we are still packing. It rained today and we were able to make some leeway. One suitcase and one tub. Hopefully it will all come together quickly.  Thanks for reading.  Goodnight.

June 25, 2012

Just two weeks until we leave. Thing are falling into place as everybody is working hard. All three girls are packing and storing our belongings. Today I finished the last task on the maintenance to do list. From here on in it is packing and letting go of our stuff. Thank you Lord for giving us the strength to persevere.

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