Saturday, July 21, 2012


After four full days of learning, we have today (Saturday) off. First on the list was a 2000 foot ascent of Mount Iveki located just behind Scott Theological Seminary. The morning proved to be perfect with little wind and lots of sunshine. Now before you think we have completely done a 180, we hiked to the first “turn-around” and then headed back down. ftill we hiked about 90 minutes up and down. Here are a few pictures from our hike and yes……Julia did go with us even though she has stated all along that hiking was a “deal breaker” for her.  :D

1 comment:

  1. Looks beautiful and YES, you do look like a bunch of tourists. No one will have trouble knowing who the newbees are! We continue to pray for your transition.
    The AZ team got off this morning...the alarm company called at 4:41 a.m. to let us know that someone was in the building. :) Since we were already up, we prayed for them.
